Report a Wildlife Crime & Help Save Animals in Need
Report At Risk or Destroyed Nesting
Active nesting is federally protected by The Migratory Bird Treaty Act and upheld by both the State and Federal Government. Permitting is necessary when disturbing active sites. If you see a nest in danger please communicate with the workers and notify authorities.
Mark the nesting area with flagging to give the animals a voice when nobody is present. Take pictures and report it to Game and Fish and USFWS through the links below. Wildlife centers can also be contacted for added support. See links below to learn more about nesting.
Special Concerns for Burrowing Owls
Burrowing owls are a protected species and special care is required when massive development projects start destroying their habitat. They really don't just move across the street like some would love to believe and these owls need more advocates.
We recommend flagging habitats in at risk areas to give the owls a voice when nobody is around and urge community members to speak directly to developers, city council members, and authorities such as Game & Fish and USFWS if they feel an active habitat is in danger. The above links will help protect them and additional information is linked here as well.

How to Report Wildlife Crimes
Include details such as vehicle information, crime witnessed, and GPS Location, photos, screen shots and video
Submit online and by calling both USFWS and Game & Fish
Report Electrocutions
Less raptor electrocutions also means less power outages. If you happen to find an animal you suspect has been electrocuted, and/or you know of a problem line, please report it to the authorities by documenting it properly. More information can be found in the link below.