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If you find an animal do not give it any food or water. Keep warm, dark, and quiet ...
Pest Exclusion
Small areas must be sealed in order to keep pests out. The inconspicuous areas where you can see ...
Pocket Gopher Trapping
Pocket gophers can decimate a five-year-old orange tree in just a matter of weeks. The animals live mostly ...
Decrease Insect Attractants
Insects are attracted to high-frequency bright lighting. The brighter the lights, the more insects you will attract. spiders ...
Contrapest Rodent Sterilization
Contrapest rodent sterilization is a non-restricted pesticide that anyone can purchase over the counter. It stops reproduction of ...
Basket nests
Basket nests need to be quite large, made out of willow, sturdy, reinforced with coconut fiber, and filled ...
Small Predator Nesting
Wooden nests are used for smaller predators such as screech owls and kestrels. We install these in trees ...
Large Owl Barn Nests
Nesting barrels are made out of 35- and 55-gallon food-grade barrels, are mainly installed under hay sheds in ...
Common Cottontail Suggestions
Bunnies play dead and then jump at the first chance they get, which can lead to spinal injuries ...
How To Remove An Animal From A Glue Trap
Supply List Corn starch or baking flour Canola oil, baby oil, or mineral oil Q-tips Paper towels Scissors ...
Resources For Lead Free Products
Federal Premium Ammunition - Offers a range of non-toxic options. Winchester Ammunition - Features bismuth, steel, and other ...
California Condors and Lead Toxicity
California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus), one of the most critically endangered bird species in North America, are particularly vulnerable ...
Doves are horrible nest builders. They use a few small twigs on a ledge of any kind, and ...
North American Kestrels
Kestrels are also known as sparrow hawks. They are the smallest falcon in North America and are great ...
Hummingbirds are surely one of the most fragile birds on the planet. Their body structure allows them to ...
Burrowing Owls
Burrowing owls are small owls that live in the ground. They do not actually dig their own burrow ...
Barn Owls
Barn owls eat more than 1,000 rodents per year, and a nesting family will easily consume more than ...