Frequently asked questions

Lets answer your questions

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Arizona Wildlife Resource assists rehabilitation facilities as an extension service. We pick up animals in need, transport them to rehab centers, help people with wildlife-related questions, build habitats in critical areas to aid in conservation efforts, and teach people effective poison-free rodent-control methods. Our goal is to help people understand nature in order to grow wildlife-friendly communities.

The duration of rehabilitation depends on the condition of the animal and its species. Some animals may require only a few weeks, while others may require months of care.

Money and/or time. We always need help transporting rescues and there are always more materials needed to buy. Take a look at our wish list for ideas on what or how much to donate. Every dollar is going directly to a bird in need. Thank you in advance.

We offer habitat restoration projects and poison-free pest management services. We specialize in nest building, nest placement, plant selections for habitat restoration efforts, rodent sterilization products, and exclusion work for residential, commercial, and agricultural properties.