Poison Free Pest Control
Rodenticides are Dangerous to Children, Domestic Pets, & Wildlife
Ignorantly mistaken as a safe option for rodent control, rodenticides are dangerous to children, domestic pets, and wildlife. A majority of baits on the market today require multiple feedings to be effective, allowing semi-poisoned rodents to run freely while relocating poisoned granules around our communities. The green or blue coloring can easily appear as candy to children, and it contains a scent attractant that lures domestic pets.
One Poisoned Mouse Can Kill an Entire Family of Nestlings
Most rodenticide poisoning stores in the liver of the poisoned animal while the chemical decreases blood-clotting abilities, eventually causing the animal to bleed out. A poisoned rodent becomes lethargic, which makes it easier prey for an unsuspecting predator, who in turn will ingest the poison. One poisoned mouse can kill an entire family of nestlings, offsetting the natural order and allowing rodents the upper hand.
Eliminate Rodent Problems by Changing Habitat, Not Using Poison
Although not all rodenticide chemicals work the same way, they all still have the ability to affect non-target species. Please never use rat poison. There are many other products on the market that can help eliminate rodent problems, and it starts with changing habitat.

Multi-Catch Traps
Multi-catch traps tend to be live traps; however, most can be made into kill traps if needed. They tend to be the most effective and humane and can catch over 10 rodents in one night. Most of these traps require purchased online however they are inexpensive, can be made from scrap if you are handy, and are very effective.
Amazon Links for Snap Traps & Live Traps
Southern Homewares Humane Mouse Trap
Easy to Use, No Winding, Non-Jamming, Clear Window View
MATATA Live Humane Trap
Live animal humane trap 2-door mouse trap
Faicuk Live Humane Trap
Heavy Duty Squirrel Trap Chipmunk Trap Rat Trap
Havahart Live Trap Small
Small 1-Door Live Animal Trap for Squirrels, Chipmunks, Rats
Victor M201 Rat Trap
Wood-based wire snap trap for rats, spring action metal pedal
Senestech Rodent Fertility
We have a few years experience with this product with much success. The rodents love eating it and since they feel no ill effect a consumption stays high and birth rates shrink. This is a non-restricted chemical in Arizona and can be purchased and maintained on your own. We recommend different baits for different applications
Contrapest liquid bait. liquid is great because it ensures consumption without the risk of risk of chickens or pets getting into it. I have had a lot of success using this product in residential chicken coops, animal shelters, and around feed storage.
Pack Rats
Because the nature of the rodent I recommend liquid bait for pack rats as well. The sausage chunks are less expensive.... but since pack rats like to horde things we cant ensure that its getting eaten just because its moved.
Roof Rats
We recommend the liquid bait and/or solid bait. Roof rats tend to eat more at the source and not move bait as much. Adding birth control to any pest management program help lower poison use and protects large predators like owls, hawks, and coyote. This company makes a liquid bait to go directly into attics I would definitely recommend.

Install Supplemental Predator Habitat

Artificial habitat installations do not always mean each house will contain a family. It can take time for habitat to be restored due to long-term use of rat poison and the animal’s inability to find the nest, and it also depends on simple breeding and migratory patterns.
One Owl Family Can Eat Over 70 Rodents a Week
When we install 7 nest boxes, we are looking for 2-3 to get residents. Each family can eat over 70 rodents a week for the entire spring season. Residency has been known to increase over time if food is available, and with a clean food system, other predators may start to increase, as well.
Natural Pest Management Programs are Proven to Work
Integrating a natural pest management program does not mean you will get rid of every single rodent. Just as poison has not been getting rid of all of your rodents, the birds of prey will not either. This program has proven to work as a management system throughout many areas of the globe, and we have the same confidence that it will work just as well locally. Please be patient with the process.
No rat poison can ever be used on, around, or in the property while nest boxes are installed.
Hunting Perches
Raptors like to hunt in wide-open spaces. In a normal setting, they would be hunting from a large cottonwood or saguaro. However, since most of that habitat has been destroyed, they now perch on top of man-made power poles that will also electrocute them.
Please make sure power poles are insulated, and if you happen to find dead birds under them, please report it.
If you would like to attract raptors to an area, installing a perch is ideal. It will get way more activity than you would expect.
Additional Information
Senestech Rodent Birth Control
Learn about chemical pesticides - National Pesticide Information Center
How rat poison affects children - http://saferodentcontrol.org/site/risks-for-children/
How rat poison affects wildlife - Raptors are the solution.org